
reasons i love gmail

there are plenty [of reasons] as i'm sure you well know, but here are just a few of my tops:

{ random quotes! }

{ random tid bits }

first of all, i can never hear or see the word hooray enough, and second, how can the title "spam fajitas" at the top of your email not trigger a small chuckle or two? i mean really. (i have a hunch that extra salsa is a must on this one though)


enough said.

{ funny happenings }

this is my paul walking on dan's paul's face.


this weekend

this weekend i am going to this:


and this:

and i'm pretty dang happy about it!

[ ps: sorry for the lack of posting. i think i just have so many things
i want to post about that i end up posting about none of them.
we will resume shortly :) don't you fret, nah!]